Fun Pan-o-Prog Weekend
David R Williams | Published on 7/18/2023

Awesome Weekend full of Sno-Trackers Activities.
Great attendance, 55 members and friends at Linda Moe’s Cruise night Picnic. Special thanks to Linda and Mike Moe with a big help from Heidi Knight. Thanks for hosting us all!
Shoot me your pictures and I will add them to the website and article.
What a great crew! In addition to pictured, the Bedeaux grandcrew joined just as we started walking.
Check out the nice new banners thanks to Nancy Peterson with Display Sales - 952-885-0100, feel free to call Nancy with your banner needs.
7,000 pieces of candy and 500 cozies handed out to parade participants.
Thanks to Greg Formaneck and Formaneck Irrigation for donating the cozies.
Give Greg a call with your irrigation needs.